Friday, August 27, 2010

"Birthright" strengthens ties between Jews and Israel

I had never heard of Birthright until recently. The first time I even heard the name was at my office. It happened that two of my colleagues both were fast approaching age 26, and there was a sense of urgency to sign up for the organization's trip to Israel before they were too old.

Taglit-Birthright Israel is a charity that sponsors heritage trips to Israel. It offers a free 10 day trip. The clincher is that to quality, individuals must be aged 18-26 and have at least one Jewish grandparent. Participants visit historical, religious and cultural heritage sites around Israel, including the Western Wall, the Negev, and the Dead Sea.

Meanwhile, everlasting bonds are formed between Jews and Israel, which certainly must be one Birthright's goals. A Brandeis University study shows that programs such as Birthright help maintain a strong sense of connection between American Jews and Israel. Note that Birthright isn't limited to American Jews. Trips are open to those from 64 countries in the Jewish Diaspora.

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